Back to the Basics – What is your blogs purpose?


Before beginning a blog determining your blog’s purpose is one of the most important things you need to do.  For some it’s easy to decide and for others it’s no easy task.  But for everyone it should involve some prayer. Before deciding on your blog’s purpose, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What topics do you enjoy?
  2. What topics do you not enjoy?
  3. Do you feel led to build a community?
  4. What is your passion?
  5. Do you feel you can honor God with your chosen topic or purpose?
  6. Why are you blogging?  As a ministry, as a business, or just for fun?

If you enjoy participating in the women’s ministry at your church, you might enjoy running a blog with the purpose of encouraging Christian women.  If you love creating Sunday School lessons your blogs purpose could be to help other Sunday School teachers develop their lessons.

Whatever purpose you decide on, it should be something you feel comfortable writing about.  If you’re unable create posts on the topic then what’s the point in having the blog?  I’ve often heard it said that if you can’t come up with 10 blog posts before starting you shouldn’t start a blog.

No matter what, don’t forget to pray about your blog’s purpose before starting and remember you can always change your mind later.  It’s your blog and God’s will for you might change along the way.

Back to the Basics – Have a Plan


When God decided to create the earth and its occupants, do you think He did it without a plan?  No He didn’t.  He planned the 7 days of creation.  He even created a plan for each of us before we were even born.

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, [and] I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

“Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly [places] in Christ: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:” Ephesians 1:3-4

If God took the time to plan shouldn’t we?  Of course, our plans should be based on God’s will and if you don’t know God’s will for your life, then plans might be hard to make or they might fall through.  But if it’s God’s will for you to create and run a blog, then you need a plan for that blog.

What should your plan include?

  1. Purpose.  Before you start a blog you need to know why you are blogging.  What is your purpose?  Are you encouraging others?  Are you educating others?
  2. Topic.  What are you going to blog about?  Are you going to write devotions?  Are you going to write about motherhood or do product reviews?  Maybe a mixture of all three?  Whatever topics you decide on, make sure they are topics you enjoy.  If you can’t come up with at least 50 blog posts before starting then you might want to rethink your topics.
  3. Time.  Blogging can become addictive.  Determine ahead of time how much time you are willing to dedicate to your blog.  Things to keep in mind are how often you will post, promoting your blog, and basic blog maintenance.
  4. Platform.  What blogging platform will you use?  BloggerWordPress? Tumbr?  The options are numerous.  Do your research and find which one will work the best for you.
  5. Promotion.  How will you promote your blog?  Will you have a newsletter?  Will you have a Facebook fan page or a Twitter account?  Will you comment on other blogs or join in memes or link ups to try to build readership?

Having a plan before you start a blog will make life a lot easier. Believe me I know from experience.  Even if you already have a blog, you can go ahead and make a plan.  Over the holidays, after much prayer,  I sat down and made a plan for 2012 for Faithful Bloggers.  I planned out content ideas, freebies, and marketing.  Since I have already created the plan, all I have to do now is execute it and that’s the easy part.

Do you have a plan for your blog?

Recommend Resource: ProBlogger’s Guide to your First Week of Blogging

Posts We Love – Edition #12

Every Friday I post links to some posts that I recently read and loved. You can also leave links to any posts you loved too. If a post stands out to you, encourages you, teaches you, let us know about it. Leave a comment with a link to the post so that we can visit, leave a comment, and show some social love.

Here are some posts I enjoyed this past week:

I have also created a Tumblr blog, Posts We Love, where I will link all the posts I come across that I love. If you have a Tumblr account and would like to be a member of that blog and submit posts as well, just shoot me an email with your email address and I'll add you as a member. Every Friday, I will add some of the links from the Tumbr blog to the Posts We Love edition here on Faithful Bloggers.

Using Prayer to Defeat Writer’s Block

Prayer to Help Writer's BlockIt is the bane of every writer. That dreaded sensation, staring at a pristine page of white, knowing full well that the words to fill them are somewhere, just out of your reach. Writer’s block is not a myth, or an excuse for missing deadlines, but rather a real, and very frustrating part of the writer’s life.

There are many ways to deal with it, to combat it. Some write nonsense, hoping the sheer number of words will break the wall done. Others switch to other subjects in the hope of returning with fresh viewpoints. One method of fighting writer’s block is through the use of prayer.

For some, especially those who have been writing for some time, hearing their own voice, it can be hard for God to get their attention. It could be that the writer’s block that you are experience could be His way of saying “Hey! I’ve got something to tell you!” So when your own voice has run it’s course, and you don’t know what to say, stop and say a little prayer. Don’t ask for your voice back, but simply ask Him what he wants you to say on his behalf. Sometimes it will come a few seconds later. Or it might take a little while longer. The trick is to use prayer to re-focus your mind, and your spirit onto Him, and not your struggles.

Prayer can also be a great way to remove you from the situation, and return to it with new and refreshed eyes. When you’re not sure what to write, often God can provide you with a new perspective through prayer. Take the time to read and study a few passages of scripture, and asking Him to change your viewpoint, to help you see what is hidden. More often than not, you’ll come out of prayer with a brand new idea, or an older one that has been changed and renewed.

Whatever the real reason for your writer’s block, prayer can be an effective tool for removing this pesky stumbling block. Give it a try. With God as your inspiration, no block is too big.

Posts We Love – Edition #11


Every Friday I post links to some posts that I recently read and loved. You can also leave links to any posts you loved too. If a post stands out to you, encourages you, teaches you, let us know about it. Leave a comment with a link to the post so that we can visit, leave a comment, and show some social love.

Here are some posts I enjoyed this past week:

I have also created a Tumblr blog, Posts We Love, where I will link all the posts I come across that I love. If you have a Tumblr account and would like to be a member of that blog and submit posts as well, just shoot me an email with your email address and I'll add you as a member. Every Friday, I will add some of the links from the Tumbr blog to the Posts We Love edition here on Faithful Bloggers.

How a Vibrant Prayer Life Can Lead to Inspirational Writing

For many Christians, an important part of their lives is grounded in prayer.  From daily devotionals to prayers for specific needs and thanksgiving, these special times and conversations with God are extremely important.  Not everyone realizes that having a vibrant and fulfilling prayer life is a great source of inspiration, especially for a writer. As a writer, you know that sources of inspiration can come from anywhere, and at anytime.  Since prayer is already a part of your daily life, why not use that as one of them?  This can be done in a number of ways.

For starters, take a look at your actual prayers.  Are they subject matters that others can relate to?  Or perhaps one of your praises during your prayer time can be turned into a poem, or lyrics to a song.

Another aspect of prayer that can inspire someone is how you pray.  Do you find a quite room off in the corner, or are most of your prayers said in the heat of traffic coming home on the interstate?  In either case, chances are someone, somewhere will relate to what you are doing, and will be inspired by your written word.

Another way that prayer can help you create more inspired writing is by providing insight into situations that you are facing.  That still, small voice that you hear in your heart of hearts during prayer or immediately afterwards is a wonderful guide on how to approach a subject.

"Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." Luke 21:36

When some reads something that is written from the heart, they are often moved to take action, or to pause and think more carefully.  As a writer, isn’t that what you want to accomplish?

Lastly, prayer can offer you a way to remain humble and grounded in your writing career.  Too often, talented people forget that their talents come not from some accident of biology, but rather from the gifts bestowed upon them from God.  A regular and vibrant prayer life will help you keep the focus on God, and not yourself.

If you’re curious about how daily prayer can help improve your writing, simply take a few minutes a day to say a simple prayer, about anything really.  Soon, you’ll begin to see the world around you in a new light.

"For this cause we also, since the day we heard [it], do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;" Colossians 1:9

Posts We Love – Edition #10


Every Friday I post links to some posts that I recently read and loved. You can also leave links to any posts you loved too. If a post stands out to you, encourages you, teaches you, let us know about it. Leave a comment with a link to the post so that we can visit, leave a comment, and show some social love.

Here are some posts I enjoyed this past week:

I have also created a Tumblr blog, Posts We Love, where I will link all the posts I come across that I love. If you have a Tumblr account and would like to be a member of that blog and submit posts as well, just shoot me an email with your email address and I'll add you as a member. Every Friday, I will add some of the links from the Tumbr blog to the Posts We Love edition here on Faithful Bloggers.

Using Prayer As Your Inspirational Source


As a regular contributor to a blog dedicated to Christian thinking, it is important to always be looking for sources of inspiration.  A vibrant prayer life, in addition to providing insight and solace, can also be a regular source of inspiration for your writing.  Here are a few tips for tapping into this great resource. Tip # 1:  Regular Prayer can lead to Flashes of Inspiration

You’ve heard it thousands of times, from your pastor, from your neighbors, and you know it’s true.  Spending regular time in conversation with God in prayer can help you learn how to listen to His will and Spirit.  You don’t have to spend hours per day, just a few minutes each morning, and perhaps some time in the evening.  Spend the time praying and then actively listening for a response.  By taking the time to really listen during prayer, you’ll be able to hear the ideas and inspiration that you are meant to share.

Tip # 2: Listen to Others in Your Prayer Group

God works through all, and uses and inspires all that are willing as conduits of His message.  Because of this, your friends, family and neighbors might have a different perspective and insights from their own prayer lives.  If you’re having trouble getting inspiration from your own specific prayers, consider talking with your friends about theirs.  There is always a chance that the conversation you have can bring an idea to the forefront.

Tip # 3:  Look to His Word

Sometimes, however, you might not know what or how to pray.  When this happens, it is a good idea to look for examples of prayer within the Bible.  Whether you look in Books of Matthew or John, or perhaps look to the Song of Songs, or even the Book of Judges, you’ll find numerous examples of the faithful prayers of days past.  Use these writings to jump-start your prayer life, and who knows, perhaps the Book of Malachi will provide you with just the right inspiration for the next blog installment.

A Few Ideas to Help Bring Prayer and Scripture into Your Blog Content

As a blog owner and Christian you try to make sure that everything you do on the Internet is a reflection of your true beliefs and convictions.  However, in today’s sometimes hostile Internet world, how do you promote your faith without alienating people?  Here are a few tips to help you bring prayer and even Scripture into your blog  content. Tip # 1:  Write What You Know

Like it or not, people love a story, especially if it is a personal one.  If there is a certain prayer that has become a beacon to you during a turbulent time in your life, it can possibly inspire someone else in a similar situation.  Use the prayer in a story, or a testimonial, and in doing so the blog content will not seem as preachy as if you simply listed the prayer alone.

Tip # 2:  Make the Scriptures Relatable

One of the main reasons why many non-Christians struggle with the idea of Christianity is because the Bible does not seem to be relevant to their modern lives.  The language of the Bible, the various stories, even the settings seem very far and away removed from the hustle and bustle of city life.

But as a Christian, you know that the words of the Bible are relatable to everyday life. If you find a way to take a few verses and show how they influenced your daily life, or how a character such as Lazarus or Nicodemus can be compared with a modern figure, you can go a long way to making the Bible more real.  One way to accomplish this is to take a few items from current events, and a few scriptures that deal directly with the subject at hand and draw the apparent connections.

It is important to remember that your blog is a reflection of who you are, and what you believe.  Therefore, act, as Christ would have you act, and say what He would have you say.  After all, until His return, you are his representative, both here and in the blog world.

Posts We Love – Edition #9


Every Friday I post links to some posts that I recently read and loved. You can also leave links to any posts you loved too. If a post stands out to you, encourages you, teaches you, let us know about it. Leave a comment with a link to the post so that we can visit, leave a comment, and show some social love.

Here are some posts I enjoyed this past week:

I have also created a Tumblr blog, Posts We Love, where I will link all the posts I come across that I love. If you have a Tumblr account and would like to be a member of that blog and submit posts as well, just shoot me an email with your email address and I'll add you as a member. Every Friday, I will add some of the links from the Tumbr blog to the Posts We Love edition here on Faithful Bloggers.

A Few Ways Prayer Can Help Build Your Content


There are a number of tools that you can use to build your content, and as a Christian, you have one of the most powerful ones with you at all times. Believe it or not, prayer can be used to help build your content. Here are a few ways that a daily conversation with God can be used to generate more content.

Prayer Use # 1: An Active Prayer Life can Inspire

One of the reasons why many people pray is to obtain inspiration. If you are trying to create new content, why not use your prayers as a source? Perhaps you are struggling with the actions of your rebellious teenager, or dealing with a co-worker who is not of the church. The prayers that you say, the concerns you have, as well as how God responds to your situations can make wonderful blogging material. Nearly everyone struggles in their daily faith, so not only will your prayer life be approachable, but also extremely helpful to your readers.

Prayer Use # 2: Prayers can Provide Insight and Clarity

Often, when a person is struggling with an idea, prayer is seen as a way to clear away the cobwebs, and gain some insight. Perhaps it is the stillness experienced when listening to God, or perhaps it’s how the world seems to fall away that makes things shine with clarity. In either case, a regular and vibrant prayer life can help extend that clarity into all parts of your life, including writing. If your mind is clear, inspiration can be easily found.

Prayer Use #3: Gain Solace and Calmness

Finally, prayer can be used to gain solace and calmness, especially when deadlines are fast approaching. It has been show, even by secular studies, that taking a few breaks here and there can lead to new insights and understanding. This of course, can lead to more content. Why not take a break and say a few words in prayer? You might be surprised at how much things improve when you do.

Posts We Love – Edition #8


Every Friday I post links to some posts that I recently read and loved. You can also leave links to any posts you loved too. If a post stands out to you, encourages you, teaches you, let us know about it. Leave a comment with a link to the post so that we can visit, leave a comment, and show some social love.

Here are some posts I enjoyed this past week:

I have also created a Tumblr blog, Posts We Love, where I will link all the posts I come across that I love. If you have a Tumblr account and would like to be a member of that blog and submit posts as well, just shoot me an email with your email address and I'll add you as a member. Every Friday, I will add some of the links from the Tumbr blog to the Posts We Love edition here on Faithful Bloggers.

How Does Blogging Challenge You?

blogging challengeI don’t know about you, but blogging is a challenge for me.  My biggest challenge is creating new content on a consistent basis.  I have the ideas, but have trouble getting them written.   It’s not a time issue; I have the time to write the post.  For me it’s a self-confidence issue.  I’m never happy with what I write.  I’m always looking for a way to make it better. Another challenge I find myself encountering is self-promotion.  In order to have a successful blog you have to do some kind of promoting.  Whether it is just commenting on other blogs, social media, writing a newsletter, or creating videos it’s all with the intent of enticing others to visit your blog.  I’m just not good with self-promotion.

Despite these challenges, I enjoy blogging.  I enjoy reading blogs.  I enjoy meeting new people with similar interests.  I enjoy helping other bloggers.

What I have to remember when these challenges decide to appear is that if I’m doing God’s will, then He will provide the answers and the abilities to overcome these challenges.

“For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” Isaiah 41:13

“And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do [it]: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, [even] my God, [will be] with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD.”  1 Chronicles 28:20

What challenges has blogging brought into your life?  How are you overcoming these challenges?

Posts We Love - Edition #7


Every Friday I post links to some posts that I recently read and loved. You can also leave links to any posts you loved too. If a post stands out to you, encourages you, teaches you, let us know about it. Leave a comment with a link to the post so that we can visit, leave a comment, and show some social love.

Here are some posts I enjoyed this past week:

I have also created a Tumblr blog, Posts We Love, where I will link all the posts I come across that I love. If you have a Tumblr account and would like to be a member of that blog and submit posts as well, just shoot me an email with your email address and I'll add you as a member. Every Friday, I will add some of the links from the Tumbr blog to the Posts We Love edition here on Faithful Bloggers.

Do You Offer Your Readers Hope?

Hope: A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

Most of us have a specific reason as to why we blog.  For some it is a hobby, for others a ministry or a business.  Now if you don't care about blog traffic, creating a community, comments, etc., then this doesn't apply to you.

People come to your blog looking for something and if they can’t find what they want, they usually don’t stay around.  Your blog readers are looking for hope.  They have an expectation of receiving the information you have promised them.

Do you know what your reader expects from you and your blog?  Does it align with your purpose for blogging or your ministry?  If not, maybe you need to make some changes.

What can you do to offer your readers hope?

  1. Have a mission statement or about page that clearly states the purpose of your site.
  2. Be consistent in the information you give.
  3. Put God first.

If your blog is a ministry being consistent in your ministries purpose will only increase the number of people you are able to minister to because you will be reaching those who specifically need it.  Your readers will feel like you are talking directly to them and it will give them hope.

This is something I’m still struggling with here on Faithful Bloggers.  At times I feel like the content I publish is all over the place without a rhyme or reason.  But it is something I’m working on and with some prayer I’m sure it will improve.

Online Ministry Example – The Christian Treatment Center


There are a lot of different types of Christian ministries online.  I’ve always said that to have a successful ministry you have to have 3 things - love, passion, and devotion.

  1. Love – In order have a ministry, online or offline, you have to have a love for Christ.
  2. Passion – You must have a passion to show God’s love to others
  3. Devotion – You must be willing to devote your time and resources to the ministry.

I recently came across The Christian Treatment Center’s website and thought they were a good example of an online ministry.  They are a Christian Drug Treatment company that is built on the foundation of Christ.  Now I don’t know the owners of the site, but based on what I see on their website, they have the love, passion, and devotion needed to run a ministry for the glory of God.

Here are some of my initial thoughts on their website:

  • I like that they offer more than one form of content.  Their services and programs are clearly listed on the site, but they also have a daily devotional and a blog that integrates nicely into their site.  They offer a reason for people to come back to their site.
  • They offer a free report.  This is a great way for a person to learn more about the company without making a decision – it’s completely worry-free for those who are not sure if they need the services offered or not.
  • They are active on social media.  We all know how popular social media is these days.  Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube – that is where everyone is at.  They have incorporated social media into their website without it being obtrusive.
  • It is easy to read.  The font is nice and easy on the eyes.  There is not a lot of distracting graphics or ads.  They are not using a huge header.  The layout is simple and clean and gets the job done.

How can you incorporate some of these thoughts into your own online ministry?  Do you offer your content in more than one way?  Maybe a podcast or a newsletter?  Do you have a way to entice people to come back to your site? Do you offer your readers a free report or something similar for them to get to know you better?  Is your site easy to read and navigate?

These are just some things to keep in mind that can help your online ministry’s website help the people who visit.

How Does Being a Christian Affect Your Blogging Business?


This is a guest post from my friend Kelly McCausey. Kelly is a business coach that I've worked with personally. She's holding a mini round on her Christian business coaching group that's starting this week! I've got a special coupon code for Faithful Bloggers - see it below with a link to sign up for the group.

Are you a Christian blogger?

If you're reading this blog post I'll guess that you are though you might not immediately identify yourself that way. You don't have to have a blog about Christianity to make your faith part of your blogging business after all.

My faith in Jesus Christ colors everything I do and isn't that is as it should be?

Colossians 3:23 says: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord, not for men,

Since 'whatever you do' covers your blog, you should think of yourself as a Christian blogger - no matter the topic and purpose.

I'm a business blogger, but I'm a Christian blogger at the same time.

Will it be obvious to every person that reads my blog that I'm a Christian? Probably not. I don't have fish symbols or cross signs displayed. I don't mention my faith in every bit of content that I create, it would be out of place. For the most part, business is business and I stick to that. Being a Christian blogger isn't about being obvious - rather it is about being who we are.

  • It is about using the skills and gifts he has given you with purpose and diligence.
  • It is putting your hands to good work that serves others.
  • It is conducting the business of your blog with honor and strong consideration for others.
  • It's about praying about decisions and receiving good counsel from other believers.
  • It's about operating on God's economy, not the world's.
  • It's about seeing your resources as God's resources and being generous with your time and talents.
  • It's about pursuing excellence and striving to be the best without being prideful.
  • And yes, it is about being a light to the world.

Well Kelly, if you don't go out of your way to show your blog readers that you're a Christian, how will they know?

John 13:34-35: "A new commandment I give to you that you love one another,
even as I have loved you, that you may also love one another.
By this all men will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another

When you serve your readers well. When you show consideration for their needs. When you go above and beyond to deliver excellence. When you're patient and kind. When they feel like you've really cared about them, they'll see the difference in you. If they ask about it, you can share what makes you different. That's an open door to further conversation - whether it happens in the comment section, on social media or by email.

Is it possible to stay true to your faith AND build an income by blogging?

Someone asked me this question recently. She was looking around at some top income blogs and noticed that many of them were on topics that she wouldn't feel comfortable writing about. (Gambling, dating sites, get rich quick, etc.) Let me assure you, those are not the only money making topics on the web today. I generate a large portion of my income from blogs that cover the home, parenting and family topics.

Much of my own blogging is on the topic of making money online, a topic charged with opportunities to scam people and lead them into trouble, right? I just don't go there. I present information and tools that I believe in and feel good about recommending. Sure, I could make a lot of money promoting shifty stuff - if I didn't care about my readers - but I do and I believe God has blessed my business financially because of it.

I am holding a mini Christian Business Owners Coaching Group November 15th thru December 6th. If you've been struggling to build a business around your blog, I'd love to brainstorm with you and help you create a plan for success! Use coupon code 'courtney' and save 35%!

Posts We Love - Edition #5


Every Friday I post links to some posts that I recently read and loved. You can also leave links to any posts you loved too. If a post stands out to you, encourages you, teaches you, let us know about it. Leave a comment with a link to the post so that we can visit, leave a comment, and show some social love.

Here are some posts I enjoyed this past week:

I have also created a Tumblr blog, Posts We Love, where I will link all the posts I come across that I love. If you have a Tumblr account and would like to be a member of that blog and submit posts as well, just shoot me an email with your email address and I'll add you as a member. Every Friday, I will add some of the links from the Tumbr blog to the Posts We Love edition here on Faithful Bloggers.

Posts We Love - Edition #4


Every Friday I post links to some posts that I recently read and loved. You can also leave links to any posts you loved too. If a post stands out to you, encourages you, teaches you, let us know about it. Leave a comment with a link to the post so that we can visit, leave a comment, and show some social love.

Here are some posts I enjoyed this past week:

I have also created a Tumblr blog, Posts We Love, where I will link all the posts I come across that I love. If you have a Tumblr account and would like to be a member of that blog and submit posts as well, just shoot me an email with your email address and I'll add you as a member. Every Friday, I will add some of the links from the Tumbr blog to the Posts We Love edition here on Faithful Bloggers.