5 Tips on Marketing Your Blog
/Most people who blog want an audience and to know that what they are writing is making a difference to someone. To grow an audience you do need to have some degree of patience. A large blog readership doesn't happen overnight. However, in addition to patience, planning and action also help to market your blog and drive traffic.
Here are a few useful tips to market your blog:
- Comment on other relevant blogs. One great way to start getting your name recognized is to post useful and insightful comments on blogs which relate to your niche and are where your potential readers might hang out. Get active in the blogging community and forums. When you post create a profile that enables you to link to your blog many people will click through and subscribe to your blog.
- Guest blog. Guest blogging is a wonderful marketing tactic and like commenting on other blogs, it builds awareness for you and your blog. If you are willing to guest post on other blogs or publish guest post on your blog, check out Faithful Bloggers Guest Post Monthly.
- Post consistently and post often. This is where patience comes in. Posting regular and valuable content will help your blog to grow, to be recognized by others in your niche and will motivate people to link to you.
- Make it easy for readers to Tweet or 'Like' your content. Social networking is growing and it pays to take advantage of this useful medium.
- List your blog with relevant directories such as the Faithful Bloggers Blog Directory. Registering with some notable directories can help boost your traffic and put you in front of people who are looking for your information.
Just remember that no matter what you do, ultimately God is in control as to how big or little your blog becomes. These are just tips that can help reach potential readers, there are no guarantees that they will work, but I have had some success with them, especially with commenting and guest blogging.