Not Going to BlogHer
/I'm not going to BlogHer. I didn't even want to. Well that's not entirely true. My best friend, Louise, is going and I would have loved to go just to spend time with her. But the actual conference, I have no desire to attend. But I know a lot people do. No matter if they go for the actually conference to learn, to network, or just to met online friends in real life, going to conferences can be a lot of fun. But so can staying home and joining blog carnivals like Blog Hop '10 being hosted by Robin at Pensieve.
So about this blog...
My name is Courtney and I am the co-founder of Faithful Bloggers. My partner in crime had to step aside due to a pregnancy and other family obligations. Faithful Bloggers is a community aimed to encourage and educate Christian bloggers.
Faithful Bloggers is actually a network of 3 sites:
- Faithful Bloggers - where we write about blogging as a Christian
- Faithful Devotions - where we write Biblical based devotions
- Faith Approved - Reviews and giveaways from Christian moms
And we also have a blog directory to find other awesome Christian bloggers and hold a weekly prayer meeting on Thursday nights at 9pm CST.
If you've visited us from the Blog Hop - thanks for stopping by. Be sure to leave a comment and your link so I can come visit you too.