Online Ministry - Tips for Running a Devotion Site
/Devotion websites are one of the most popular types of online ministries on the Internet today. Devotions are usually a short writing about a topic related to the Christian faith and life. They usually have a Bible verse or two on which they are based; and because of their brevity, they are not written on 'heavy' theological topics. Devotionals provide words of encouragement or challenging and inspiring thoughts on the many issues that Christians face. Many devotional writings also contain illustrations from everyday life and then relate that to Christian living.
Devotionals are good to write because they are quick to do and can offer encouragement on many different areas. No matter who your audience is you can write a devotional for them. However there are some things you should keep in mind if you are running this type of ministry.
- Pray before starting. The Word tells us that we are to pray on all occasions. Ephesians 6: 18 “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,…” This is true, even with the creation of content. Believe it or not, God really does want to be the one to guide you through everything you do. After all, He is the one who knows everything we need and all that we need to do. When you pray to God before moving forward with what you will create, it seems to make the creation process a little easier. He helps you to focus on the topic and He is pretty good with reminding you about important scriptures that you can use to validate what you write or say. Before you get started, pray that God will give you the right words to use, help you to convey the message properly, and that someone is blessed as a result of what you write.
- Always include Biblical examples and/or Bible verses. The Word is the strongest component in life and it carries with it the power to effect and change lives. It makes no difference if you are writing about the Christian lifestyle, Christians in business, or a topical subject, it is best to include some Scriptures to back up what you are saying. The Bible is the truth and it is this truth that will set people free. It has answers that cover every area of life. By using scriptures in your Christian content, you are helping people find the truth and answers to many of life situations and problems.
- Be Personal. The best devotions are usually ones written from experience. Write about what you know. Write in your own words and style. Be yourself and be honest. Your readers will appreciate it.