Shout for Joy


It’s no secret that the world is full of sadness. We only have to turn on the TV, sign into social media, or even look around our own lives to see it.

But God didn’t make us to be sad. He wants us to have life to the full, and deep joy that is not dependent on circumstance.

I’m tired of being told by society that I would be happier if I was prettier, taller, more athletic, more successful, had a nicer home, better hair and better abs, knew more people, travelled more or got married. My joy should not come from any of these things. My joy comes from the Lord, and it should pervade every part of the messy, uncomfortable, hilarious, breath-taking, glorious life He has given me.

I truly believe that what we read and hear impacts who we are and the value we place on ourselves and those around us. In this blog, I hope to do nothing more or less than encourage you. I don’t pretend to be very wise, or even have my own life in any semblance of order, but if I can be a positive noise in the din of your life today, I will be happy.

A Quote To Encourage You:

When you walk through fire you will not be burned (Isaiah 43:2).


Shout for Joy submitted by Freya Ashmore.