Back to the Basics – 5 Ways to Promote Your Blog
/Most people blog to connect with other people. If you are not one of these people, then this post probably doesn’t apply to you. The internet is so saturated with blogs that it can be hard to get people to visit your blog much less stay around and actually connect with them.
In order to connect with other people you have to promote your blog in some form or fashion. You may even be doing this without even realizing it.
Here are 4 simple ways to do so:
- Comments – Visit other similar blogs and comment on their posts. The trick here is to leave real comments that add value to the post. Comments that offer value not only catch the eye of the blogger but of other people reading the post too. Also be sure to respond to comments on your own blog. Make sure your readers know you appreciate the time it takes to leave a comment, especially if it is a well thought out comment and adds to your content.
- Offer guest posts on other blogs – If done correctly, writing guest posts for other blogs can be a great way to get your name in front of people. You don’t want to submit content to just any blog though. Do your research and make sure the readers the blog you are guest posting on are the readers you want for your blog.
- Join in memes or linkups – A lot of bloggers do this just for fun and don’t even realize they are promoting themselves. To be effective, just make sure that when you link up that you give a good description of what you are linking to. For example, if you have a post titled “5 Ways to Lessen the Stress of Parenting” don’t just say “parenting” but be more specific with “stress free parenting” when adding your link to the meme.
- Connect with other likeminded bloggers on Facebook and/or Twitter – Social media is so popular right and specific types of people tend to spend more time one social media site than the others. For Faithful Bloggers, I have found that I get a better response from Facebook than Twitter, so I focus my time connecting with others on site rather than other social media sites.
Of course these are just a few of the different ways you can promote your blog and not all of them maybe for you. This is where testing comes into play. Test! Test! And Test! See what works for you and your blog and repeat.