Tools to Help You Teach Online

In response to my post, Be a Witness Online By Teaching, I got a couple emails asking how to teach online.  So I’ve compiled a list of some tools that can help you. Online Webinar/Conference Room – You can use a webinar or online conference room as a meeting place to host a Bible study or prayer group.  I host the Faithful Bloggers prayer meetings and all of my workshops in an online conference room.  Most options give you the ability to share information, communicate with other participates and even record the session.

Teleseminar – If you are just hosting an informative class you could actually hold a teleseminar.  Everyone just calls in and you have the choice of allowing other callers to participate or not.

Record Audio/Video – If you don’t want to do a live class, you can always record the lesson in audio or video format and then share it with others.

E-Course – E-courses are great if you just want to send lessons out to your class members.  You can create an entire course and have it sent via email.

Online Course – Of course, there are also sites that allow you to create a virtual classroom.  I don’t have much experience with those but it is an option as well.

Teaching is simply sharing information and with today’s technology there are hundreds of ways to do that.  You just have to find the best way for you and your readers.